Bauzi people is one of the groups included in the isolated tribes in Papua, this tribe Mamberamo Raya is located in the eastern part of Papua. Indonesia Betania Foundation (YBI) began to develop education in bauzi people since 1990s. The natives of bauzi people coming from the North Waropen which then spread to the Lake Bira, Noiadi and Southeast Neoao. In 2014 the Indonesia Betania Foundation in cooperation with the government of Finland to promote education in Bauzi people, poor of education in this tribe caused almost of the majority of children in this tribe can not speak Indonesian, so the teachers who has beeen sent to teach facing difficulties in delivering the subject matter to students in this tribe. Therefore, with the cooperation with Wycliffe Finland to develop education in the isolated tribes in Papua, this program is called the "Papua Mother Tongue Based Education and Adult Literacy Structure (Papua by mother tongue education and adult literacy).
The first YBI Literacy Training for Bauzi tutors was held in January 2015, this training was carried out so that teachers involved in the MLE project could run this program well. There are 17 participants in this training, of which 17 Literacy Coordinators will select and determine participants who have good potential in teaching.